Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Memory of The Sea

The Briccole Competition (Table)- Riva1920-Cantù - Italy, July 2012
JaXin Architect: Zhaleh Tasir Nafas & Francesca Serri  

The proposed image for the table of the competition is the result of a search in the urban context of Venice.
Through the space of the city is perceived line of Venetian history, the history of the Maritime Republic and a period of great discoveries between people of different peoples.
On meeting, the uniqueness of Venice the words that come to mind are among the many: multiculturalism, difference, color, intersection, memory and sea.
The table "The Memory of the sea"  is the result of a personal quest that starts from our relationship with the
architecture. In make this particular context was our intention to make greater use of material as well as conceptual image the undoubted material expression of the natural wood modified by the physical presence of water, we wanted to present the table as an object strongly related to the context of Venice, in an attempt to make the idea of lightness and movement suggests that the memory of the sea.  "Arch.Francesca Serri"

L’immagine proposta per il tavolo del concorso è il risultato di una ricerca nel contesto urbano di Venezia.
Percorrendo lo spazio della città si percepisce la linea della storia di Venezia, la storia della Repubblica Marinara e di un periodo di grandi scoperte tra genti di popoli diversi.
Nell'incontrare, l’unicità di Venezia le parole che vengono in mente sono tra le tante: multiculturalità, differenza, colore, intersezione,memoria e mare.
Il tavolo La Memoria del mare è il risultato di una ricerca personale che parte dal nostro rapporto con il
fare architettura.In questo particolare contesto era nostra intenzione rendere maggiormente l’uso del
materiale come immagine concettuale oltre che la indubbia espressività materica dell’elemento naturale
del legno modificato dalla presenza fisica dell’acqua; volevamo presentare il tavolo come un oggetto
fortemente legato al contesto di Venezia, nel tentativo di rendere l’idea di leggerezza e movimento che la memoria del mare suggerisce.  "Arch.Francesca Serri"